Germantown Friends School
Image Credit: Halkin Photography
Image Credit: Halkin Photography
Image Credit: Halkin Photography
Germantown Friends School’s new Science Classroom Building and Courtyard serves as an outstanding example of sustainable design and environmental stewardship. Located within the Wissahickon Watershed in the densely-developed Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia it incorporates a variety of sustainable stormwater management and green technology techniques. Viridian Landscape Studio’s™️ design of the courtyard and site was fully integrated with the classroom building, designed by SMP Architects, and is complementary to the existing Hargroves Center. Through the use of rain gardens, bioswales, green roofs, cisterns, and pervious paving, almost 90% of the new building and site’s runoff, as well as runoff from the Hargroves Center, is collected and allowed to infiltrate into the ground instead of piped off-site. The courtyard serves as an outdoor classroom where the path of water is visible, and native plants & habitats encouraged thereby allowing students and the community to better understand their connection to the environment and role in its stewardship.